Makam Syeikh Mahmud di Papan Tinggi Barus

 Makam Syeikh Mahmud di Papan Tinggi Barus, yang nyaris terabaikan bahkan terlupakan akan sentuhan Pemerintah Kabupaten dan Provinsi Sumatera Utara.

The almost loosing and ignoring history of Islam in Indonesia. — di Barus, Sumatera Utara
 Where are you goverment...???, you are just closing the eyes..for historical asset for the changes of the function of historical assets...????? aren't you ashamed to the predecessors who had ever owned of the historical assets as the herritage in this beloved country..???, please give your empathy and sympathy then look at and ask yourself what you have done to all of these matters..!! or maybe you still cover your ears with hands to what you have seen around in this case..???? can't you answer and give the salvation to every history which is owned by this country..!!! oohh.. the goverment......!!!!
Bila sejarah sudah tak diperdulikan...
kebudayaan tak lagi dilestarikan...
pendidikan tak diperhatikan...
agama dan moral dilecehkan...
adab dan etika disingkirkan...
maka..tunggulah kehancuran dan kemusnahan perjalanan peradaban....?!!